Create try settle stacks transaction
Create try settle stacks transaction
Attempts to settle stacks for a node.
Represents a request to try settling a stack.
This struct encapsulates the necessary parameters for attempting to settle a stack, including optional gas-related fields.
The number of compute units claimed.
x > 0
The small IDs of the stacks to settle.
Optional gas object ID.
If not provided, the default is None
Optional gas budget.
If not provided, the default is None
x > 0
Optional gas price.
If not provided, the default is None
x > 0
Optional node badge ID.
If not provided, the default is None
Represents a response to a node try settle stack request.
This struct contains the transaction digest, which is a unique identifier for the transaction associated with the attempt to settle a stack.
The transaction digests. This is a unique identifier for the transaction.