During the alpha phase, Atoma is deployed on the SUI testnet.


In this guide, we will help you with the node deployment:

  1. Install Prerequisites
  2. Deploy Node
  3. Register Node
  4. Subscribe Node to Task

Install Prerequisites

  1. System Requirements
sudo apt-get install curl git-all cmake gcc libssl-dev pkg-config libclang-dev libpq-dev build-essential
  1. Rust toolchain
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  1. SUI CLI
cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch testnet sui --features tracing
  1. Docker

Setup SUI

  1. Connect to SUI Network (more info here). This will allow your node to be able to interact with the Sui blockchain and therefore the Atoma smart contract. Running this will also automatically create a wallet.

    sui client

    Once you finish the steps above, you should have the following files created locally (you should replace ~ with your home folder directory, if needed):

    • ~/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml - the Sui client configuration file
    • ~/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore - The Sui keystore file (contains your private key(s))
  2. Get SUI and TOMA tokens

    Get faucet SUI tokens:

    sui client faucet

    Mint faucet TOMA testnet tokens:

    sui client call --package "0xa1b2ce1a52abc52c5d21be9da0f752dbd587018bc666c5298f778f42de26df1d" --module "toma" --function "faucet" --args "0xfdddd6fb95509ea36f44f06d0d0a2f5868dac2bda1423d204bdc9f458115ff75" 100000000000

    You can then query your wallet balance, to see your newly minted faucet SUI and TOMA tokens:

    sui client balance